
Wow legion flying toy macro
Wow legion flying toy macro

The levels had various mouse holes that allowed you to traverse between the rooms and inside the walls. The original level was called Rats! and had you inside a kitchen, and there were other "rats" levels in a similar vein depicting a young boy's bedroom, as well as a living room.

  • There is a Half-Life custom level where you get shrinked and have to traverse a living room and a kitchen, fighting miniature soldiers while hiding behind furniture, watching out for mousetraps and jumping on drawers to make your way to the floor.
  • This also occurs in Final Fantasy IV Advance in the Lunar Ruins.
  • Final Fantasy III has a number of dungeons where the party has to be shrunk via the "Mini" spell to pass through, with ordinary creatures now proving a dire threat.
  • While the level itself is also scaled to your size (as it's a model set up to simulate the adventure), at the end, you can see the wizards that talked you into the quest, in all their humongous glory.
  • Fable III includes a quest that has the Hero shrink to play a Dungeons & Dragons knock-off game with some wizard gamers.
  • The first time even has smaller enemies in those tunnels that never show up anywhere else.
  • One of the heads available in Dynamite Headdy does this, allowing Headdy to traverse smaller tunnels and the like.
  • Duke Nukem Forever continues this, where certain sections have Duke stepping on a shrinking pad and becoming small, forcing him to platform across a kitchen or drive an RC car until he can find a pad to re-size him. However, there is one part of the game where Duke has to be shrunk so he can get into one of the areas.
  • Duke Nukem 3D has a shrink ray where you can shrink your opponents and step on them.
  • Now you have to traverse a tiny cave system, fight off spiders, and "press" a button by going into its workings and manipulating the gears.

    wow legion flying toy macro


    The Doom Game Mod Void features a part where your character is shrinked.In Donkey Kong 64, Tiny Kong has shrinking as her special ability and at least one of her Golden Bananas in each level involves this ability, whether it be a race against a remote controlled car or entering a door to an otherwise normal room that is really small for no reason.To help her lose weight, the party has to be shrunk down so they can enter her body and literally kill the fat by getting into fights against evil lipid monsters. Breath of Fire II has the queen of Tunland, who has been cursed to become very obese.Inside, they help out some mice with a roach problem and are rewarded by the rodents with a potion than returns them to normal size.

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    In the original Breath of Fire game, the party is shrunken down halfway thru a dungeon by one of the Elite Mooks and must take a detour thru a mousehole.A successful ending for this episode will show the selected player character dressed like a librarian and scolding a suddenly much-proportionally smaller inkwell boss.

    wow legion flying toy macro

  • When Bendy and his friends run away from an apparently-over-sized sentient inkwell in Bendy in Nightmare Run, they run across tables and past bookshelves with books much larger than they are.
  • Arabian Magic have a stage taking place after you're shrunken by a curse, where you land on a dinner table laden with humungous fruits, meats and with multiple giants dining in the background.
  • wow legion flying toy macro

  • Alice has to travel through some wilderness while shrunken in American McGee's Alice.
  • AI: The Somnium Files: Aiba is shrunken down during Ota's somnium at the fishery warehouse.

  • Wow legion flying toy macro